Magnets & magnetic therapy have been used to treat different types of pains such as arthritis or headaches for hundred of years. Magnetic devices are marketed widely and they are most commonly used for pain , inflammatory conditions and wound healing It can improve functions in patients with various musco skeletal pain condition and some osteoarthritis conditions. Magnetic therapy pemf has been approved by the FDA (US) for specific conditions including treatement of fractures that do not heal with standard medical treatment and post operative pain and edema in superficial soft tissues. For severe migranes , depression and obsessive – compulsive disorder (OCD) The use of FDA approved magnetic therapy for these conditions is considered conventional medicine and is beyond the scope this fact sheet. A 2021 review of 7 studies (576) participants on the use of static magnets for various types of pain – including diabetic neuropathy , sciatica , fibromalgia , plantar heel pain , pelvic pain , neck and shoulder pain or forearm and wrist pain had Mixed results. Four studies showed improvement in the pain and three did not. Different studies used different static magnet strength on closing times – which may have contributed to the inconsistency in the results. Neodymium magnets are used in the health sector . Neodymium magnets are incorporated in medical devices e.g. in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device to diagnose and treat chronic pain syndrome , arthritis , wound healing , insomnia , headache and several others diseases . Due to their ability to generate a static magnetic field. An increase in their usage has been observed over the last decade . These magnets are thought to have a curing effect and are therefore sometimes called “ Magic Magnets” NASA uses neodymium magnets to maintain the muscular tones of astronauts during space flights ( because in space they loose contact with Earth). Neodymium magnets have push and pull forces and have been used as a motion generating device in orthodontic treatments , molar distillation and palatal expansion. Static magnetic field has been reported to stimulate bone formation via osteoblastic differentiation or activation. Effects of neodymium magnets on health and medical usage
1. Cardio vascular system : Reduces blood flow and skin perfusion
2. Increases nail bed circulation : The flow of red blood cells in skeletal muscle capillaries has been reported to be reduced.
3. A study has reported a decrease in the blood stream and blood vessel density in tumors that were treated using static magnetic field.
In non tumoral skeletal muscle exposed to static magnetic field , platelet activation and adhension increased. Neodymium increase microcirculation , reduces depression Sciencetists have very clearly proved that 300 + multiple diseases , disorders , disfunctions deficiencies and body pain develop in human bodies is beacause of free electron , poor blood circulation and poor level of oxygen.
Arogyam jeevan Magnetic therapy is useful in :-
1. Protects from free radical activity , help to reduce or eliminate the flow of free electrons ( free radical activity ) from the body.
2. Breaks the clusters of blood molecules into smaller and hence enhance the flow of blood smoothly.
3. Increases oxygen levels by 10 – 20 % in the blood. Hence helps in reversing or getting benefits in more than 300 multiple disorders of the body.